
Most Personal Shopper charges by the hour, but I think that can be quite tricky. So. I've drawn up a fees structure so that you, my clients, are clear of what you are paying for.

To shop for;

a)  1 - 3 items - RM 20  (if the items are at the same place/venue)

b) 1 - 3 items - RM 30 (if the items are at different places/venues)

c) 4 - 10 items - RM 50 (if the items are at the same place/venue)

d) 4 - 10 items - RM 70 (if the items are at different places/venues) 

e) More than 10 items / Grocery shopping - RM 100 for one trip

** Please note that the fee above does not include the price of the merchandise and the postage fee in which the clients have to bare the cost.
All receipts of purchase will be sent together with the items ordered.